“On a Mish” #347 The Waiting Game – Part Two. Taramakau Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 17.9.2022. For those out there who want an injury update I am unfortunately unable to tell you anything as after four months playing the waiting game I am still none the wiser as to how injured I actually am! To say the situation is ‘frustrating’ would be a massive understatement, however with everything totally out of my hands I have had to just deal with it and find a way to fill in the time while I wait. This is where the wilderness has become an even better friend than before my injury. Before wrecking my hip I went on many dates with Mother Nature, and nowadays she has to accept the fact that I can’t go as far as I used to to enjoy her beauty…
With all of this in mind my plan was to head to the Taramakau Valley and go for a short wander. The weather allowed me a night out before it took a turn, and a night was all I was after. So after the drive from Christchurch up and over Arthurs Pass, I found myself with a smile ear to ear at the small car park on the side of State Highway 73. Carrying a full camping pack is a no no when you have a buggered back and hip, so once again I turned to my two pack system to get all of my gear to a spot on the gravel of the Taramakau Riverbed.

What a spot! Surrounded by massive mountains with the constant trickle of the river for ambiance, this is where I belong. It was now late afternoon and after heading back to collect my second pack I could begin to set up my temporary home for the night with a splendid view of Mt Alexander(1958m). The forecast was slightly out as instead of clear skies above I was faced with dark lingering clouds and the odd spot of drizzle. If you have ever tramped on the West Coast then you will know that these are the perfect conditions for Te Namu(Sandflies). Many hate the chomp of the sandfly, but for me it is an indication that I have arrived in paradise, as you won’t find Te Namu hanging out any places full of people (Apart from Milford Sound!). If the scenery is good enough then I can put up with the little buggers while I continue to play the waiting game…