Very, Very Sore & Satisfied – High Above Glade Burn (Part Four)
“On a Mish” #312 Very, Very Sore and Satisfied (Part Four). Peak 1543m. Dore Pass / Glade Burn. Fiordland National Park. 8.12.2021. Is being stubborn
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #312 Very, Very Sore and Satisfied (Part Four). Peak 1543m. Dore Pass / Glade Burn. Fiordland National Park. 8.12.2021. Is being stubborn
“On a Mish” #312 Very Sore and Satisfied (Part Three). Peak 1543m. Dore Pass Area. Fiordland National Park. 8.12.2021. It is amazing what you can
“On a Mish” #312 Sore and Satisfied (Part Two). Peak 1543m. Glade Burn / Dore Pass. Fiordland National Park. 8.12.2021. Being sore or in constant
“On a Mish” #312 Sore and Satisfied (Part One). Peak 1543m. Glade Burn. Fiordland National Park. 7.12.2021. After a major injury you have two options.
“On a Mish” #309 There is NO such thing as BAD Weather. Patea / Doubtful Sound. Fiordland National Park. 27.11.2021. The first person to call
“On a Mish” #307 Same Old New. Glade Wharf. Lake Te Anau. Fiordland National Park. 17.11.2021. To look out the window of your workplace at
“On a Mish” #306 No Water and No Jacket (Part Four). Clare Peak(1490m). Takitimu Mountain Range. 4.11.2021. On a couple of occasions I have had
“On a Mish” #306 No Water and No Jacket (Part Three). Clare Peak(1490m). Takitimu Mountain Range. 3.11.2021. A real example of how sparsely populated New
“On a Mish” #306 No Water and No Jacket (Part Two). Clare Peak(1490m). Takitimu Mountain Range. 3.11.2021. It is very frustrating watching your fitness disappear
“On a Mish” #306 No Water and No Jacket (Part One). Clare Peak(1490m). Takitimu Mountain Range. 3.11.2021. I’m sure that the people who predict the
“On a Mish” #186 Going Guided (Part One). Whakatipu Ka Tuka / The Hollyford Track. Fiordland National Park. 25.1.2016. There are thousands of kilometres of
“On a Mish” #178 The Need to Climb a Mountain (Part Two). Lake Hill(762m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 8.8.2020. The sheer satisfaction you get when completing
“On a Mish” #208 Dogs Day Out. Mt Oxford(1364m). Oxford Forest Conservation Area. 27.8.2010. A hike can definitely be enhanced by the company you bring,
“On a Mish” #265 An Island Covered with Native Birds. Secretary Island. Patea / Doubtful Sound Fiordland. 19.8.2018. While basking in the stunning surroundings of
“On a Mish” #338 Significant Weather Event – Part Two. Lake Clearwater Village. Hakatere Conservation Park. 12.7.2022. Mother Nature has interesting ways of showing us
“On a Mish” #65 Two Different Worlds. Ben Ohau(1522m). Ruataniwha Conservation Park. 5.2.2015. It’s amazing how different the weather can be from Aoraki/Mt Cook Village
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