Deep in Sandfly Country (Part Two) – Tutoko Valley
“On a Mish” #296 Deep in Sandfly Country (Part Two). Tutoko Valley. Fiordland National Park. 18.4.2015. If you ever think you are too small to
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #296 Deep in Sandfly Country (Part Two). Tutoko Valley. Fiordland National Park. 18.4.2015. If you ever think you are too small to
“On a Mish” #296 Deep in Sandfly Country (Part One). Tutoko Valley. Fiordland National Park. 18.4.2015. Aotearoa is a place of great beauty and many
“On a Mish” #308 GUEST POST – The Tongariro Crossing. Tongariro National Park. 10.4.2015. In 2015 I was invited to travel to Taupo and walk
“On a Mish” #12 Big Backyard (Part Two) Mt Hodgkinson(1486m). Hoophorn Valley. Aoraki / Mt Cook National Park. 22.1.2015. I bought a house in Te
“On a Mish” #193 Snearly There. Sealy Tarns. Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park. 26.12.2014. Along with the picnic tables beside the tarns, there have been nearly
“On a Mish” #149 Mount Cook’s Foot (Part Two). Mt Wakefield(2058m). Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park. 18.12.2014. Many times people have looked at a distant summit
“On a Mish” #29 Mountain Goats & Glissading (Part Three). Mt Bealey(1836m). Arthurs Pass National Park. 1.10.2014. When the air is still and the sky
“On a Mish” #29 Mountain Goats & Glissading (Part Two). Mt Bealey(1836m). Arthurs Pass National Park. 1.10.2014. Many times, I have watched the goats that
“On a Mish” #4 Crampons Crunching (Part Three). Mt Cassidy(1850m). Ka Tiritiri O Te Moana / Main Divide. Arthurs Pass National Park. 30.9.2014. Summits give
“On a Mish” #398 Joseph’s Peninsula. Tarawera Mt Sinclair(841m). Banks Peninsula. Canterbury. 10.9.2014. The adventures of Captain James Cook prove that, once you get adventure
“On a Mish” #41 The Wilderness Above the Waimakariri. Woolshed Hill(1429m). Arthurs Pass National Park. 29.6.2016. Arthurs Pass National Park is relatively small compared to
“On a Mish” #399 New, NOT a Replacement. Te Anau. Southland. Aotearoa New Zealand. 16.3.2024. 2023 was a year of ups with the odd down.
“On a Mish” #58 Crackers & Cheeseman (Part Two). Mt Cheeseman(2031m). Craigieburn Forest Park. 31.8.2016. The small New Zealand ski industry kept my winter months
“On a Mish” #301 GUEST POST – Mount Washington / Appalachian Trail. New Hampshire. USA. 28.5.2014. Welcome to a guest post by Jeremy Wilson. We
“On a Mish” #20 Snow Business (Part One). Lake Heron Basin. Hakatere Conservation Park. 25.6.2013. Snow is a burden or a pleasure depending on who
“On a Mish” #178 The Need to Climb a Mountain (Part One). Lake Hill(762m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 8.8.2020. Having a fridge door fracture your hip,
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