Searching For Snow (Part Two) – Manuka Hut / Mt Somers Range
“On a Mish” #81 Searching For Snow (Part Two). Manuka Hut / Mt Somers Range. Hakatere Conservation Park. 3.7.2018. Snow is a very strange substance
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #81 Searching For Snow (Part Two). Manuka Hut / Mt Somers Range. Hakatere Conservation Park. 3.7.2018. Snow is a very strange substance
“On a Mish” #81 Searching For Snow (Part One). Manuka Hut. Hakatere Conservation Park. 2.7.2018. When you break down snow sports they don’t sound like
“A Mish a Day” #89 Balmacaan Saddle Camp – Part Two. Hakatere Conservation Area. 27.6.2018. I often get strange looks from my friends and family
“A Mish a Day” #89 Balmacaan Saddle Camp – Part One. Hakatere Conservation Area. 26.6.2018. Finding snow to play in is getting more difficult these
“On a Mish” #71 Hut Bound (Part Two) – Aparima Forks Hut. Upper Aparima River. Takitimu Conservation Area. 22.5.2018. To sit and listen to heavy
“On a Mish” #71 Hut Bound (Part One) – Aparima Forks Hut. Upper Aparima River. Takitimu Conservation Area. 21.5.2018. Mountain weather is an extreme and
“On a Mish” #60 The Sad Glacier (Part Two). Falls Creek. Fiordland National Park. 3.5.2018. Sadly, New Zealand has had some of the largest glacial
“On a Mish” #60 The Sad Glacier (Part One). Falls Creek. Fiordland National Park. 2.5.2018. We, the lucky few who live in the Te Anau
“On a Mish” #142 Red Skies Above (Part Two). Takitimu Tops Camp. Takitimu Conservation Area. 17.3.2018. There are times when you don’t need a weather
“On a Mish” #142 Red Skies Above (Part One). Takitimu Tops Camp. Takitimu Conservation Area. 17.3.2018. Late start. Less than favourable weather forecast. Camping on
“On a Mish” #375 A Fowler Wind Blows (Part One). Hanmer Springs Village. North Canterbury. 3.6.2023. The road to recovery has been a lot longer
“On a Mish” #122 Slippery When Wet (Part One). Gertrude Saddle(1410m). Fiordland National Park. 12.3.2019. Warning signs are in places for a reason and should
“On a Mish” #280 Still a Bit Buggered (Part Two). East Eglinton Valley / Mackay Creek. Fiordland National Park. 2.6.2021. Moving to Te Anau permanently
“On a Mish” #78 Stunned by Spectacularness (Part One). Caples / Greenstone Loop. Lake Wakatipu / Greenstone Conservation Area & Fiordland National Park. 23.1.2011. It
“On a Mish” #345 Stress Free in the ‘Place To Be’ – Part Three. Poulter Valley / Waimakariri Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 23.8.2022. The
“On a Mish” #297 Following all of the Rules (Part Two). Post Office Point. Fiordland National Park. 3.9.2021. There are some very good reasons why
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