Modifying the Mish (Part Two) – Gertrude Valley
“On a Mish” #321 Modifying the Mish (Part Two). Gertrude Valley. Fiordland National Park. 21.3.2022. Back in the day I used to really push my
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #321 Modifying the Mish (Part Two). Gertrude Valley. Fiordland National Park. 21.3.2022. Back in the day I used to really push my
“On a Mish” #321 Modifying the Mish (Part One). Milford Road / Gertrude Valley. Fiordland National Park. 21.3.2022. When the going gets tough it always
“On a Mish” #379 The Opposite of Flat (Part Two). Rakaia River. Hakatere Conservation Park. 21.6.2023. Apart from Te Pataka o Rakaihautū / Banks Peninsula
“A Mish a Day” #225 (Part 3) Waipara River Mouth/Motunau. Hurunui Region. 29.11.2020. The 5 horsepower outboard motor was no use in ankle deep water,
“On a Mish” #81 Searching For Snow (Part Two). Manuka Hut / Mt Somers Range. Hakatere Conservation Park. 3.7.2018. Snow is a very strange substance
“On a Mish” #115 Extreme Outdoor Education (Part One). Temple Basin. Arthurs Pass National Park. 18.8.2011. Learning new things or skills is something that you
“On a Mish” #419 This Time Last Year (Part One). Te Waipounamu / South Island to Ganesh Himal Charity Trek 2023. Aotearoa New Zealand &
“On a Mish” #51 Two Thumbs Up (Part Two). Peak 2163m(Two Thumb Range). Richmond Conservation Park. 22.10.2013. My classic and sometimes very frustrating answer to
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