“On a Mish” #197 Fourteen Months to get to a Hut (Part One). Boundary Creek Hut / Dogs Hill(1169m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 21.8.2013. During the winter of 2012 I went for a hike with the intention of staying in Boundary Creek Hut. Unfortunately, on that occasion I didn’t make it to the hut and had to spend the night under the prickly protection of a matagouri bush. This happened because I hiked off the map I was carrying and just assumed the track I was following would take me to the hut, but it did not. Now fourteen months later and with much more knowledge of the areaI I returned to accomplish what I set out to do over a year before…
The incredible collection of backcountry huts in New Zealand is a real treat for hikers, and something I have made the most of many times during my adventures in the mountains.
Shelter from rain (or Te Namu/Sandflies) can be found in some of the most remote locations throughout New Zealand’s wild, untamed countryside. Along with the purpose-built hiking huts or lodges, there are also huts that are a slice of history. They once served as mountain home-bases for hardy deer cullers and high country sheep and cattle musterers.

I was excited to finally have another attempt at ticking off Boundary Creek Hut and access was as simple as a one hour drive from Christchurch. As I drove I remembered my unexpected night out under the stars / a matagouri bush. It was lucky that I had the weather on my side, because others haven’t been as fortunate when having a mishap like me. On this trip I was sure I was going to get to the hut.
I packed up my gear and contemplated taking my tent. After briefly thinking about it for a couple of minutes I decided against it which meant I was fully committed to getting to the location I had failed to get to the year before.
A situation like this gives you a feeling of excitement plus nervousness, a mix I seem to enjoy and don’t mind repeating as often as possible. It makes you feel like an explorer of the past, striding into the unknown.
The mighty CR-V crept along the very rough 4wd track to the small car park beside Paddle Hill Creek. The wires on the fences still had drips of water falling and the tussock on the ground looked lush after a couple of days of rain.
I am a big fan of Hakatere Conservation Park and I will take any excuse to go on a mish in the massive wilderness playground.
It was lunchtime. I had many hours of daylight left and the weather was clearing. Right, time to find this bloody hut!