The Little Ledge Above the Lake (Part One) – Lake Lyndon Area / Craigieburn Forest Park

“On a Mish” #410 The Little Ledge Above the Lake (Part One). Lake Lyndon Area / Craigieburn Forest Park. 4.7.2024. Mountaineering is a series of smaller tasks that make up one big achievement. If you solely focused on the summit your brain might struggle with everything in between. Ticking off each stage of the climb acts as motivation just like playing levels in a game, although you only get one life in this game. On a recent trip up to Christchurch I had time to head into the hills with my sidekick Georgie, and I had my eye set on a little ledge above Lake Lyndon…

A big factor in deciding where to go on a mish these days is whether the place is ‘dog friendly’ or not. It is lucky that I live in Te Anau, because I can get my Fiordland fix with my best bud without entering the National Park. The delicate ecosystem demands respect in order for it to stay the way it is. The only dogs allowed into the park are the ones that help with finding and protecting the rare and endangered birds, some of which are only found in this very remote part of the world.

When my other dog Ernie was alive, we went on some rather epic adventures together. One particular outing was to the Lake Lyndon area, and I went armed with my tent and the goal of having a night out under the stars. Many trips up and down the road over the years have fuelled my love for the area and its easy access to the mountains. So, after loading gear and dog into my car I began to head west over the Canterbury Plains and into the Torlesse Range.

Thanks to my broken bits I couldn’t hike very far, but it wasn’t an issue in a place where beauty is everywhere. The mish back in 2023 got off to a shaky start, thanks to Ernie running off on me and it taking about an hour to find him again. After reuniting we crept up a small hill in order to get away from the Lake Lyndon Road and to also get a good view down to Upper Acheron Flat and beyond. After setting up camp I took some time to recovery and survey the area. It was at this point that I spotted a little ledge above Lake Lyndon, and I thought to myself “I’m going to camp on that little ledge one day”.

The day was fresh and there was new snow on the tops. I now have a love / hate relationship with the cold. I used to love it, but now as soon as the rush of a drastic change in temperature hits my hip I am left with some very annoying discomfort. To add to that is the fact that if I carry a pack these days it brings on the pain in my back. It was time to get a dose of both, at least the scenery and having my best buddy with me will act as a distraction.

My tires crunched over the frosty grit on the road over Porters Pass, and then onto the gravel of the Lake Lyndon Road. As I rounded a corner beside the lake I got my first view of the little ledge and it seemed to be a bit higher above the lake than I remembered…

Georgie taking in the view of Lake Lyndon

New Zealand. What a place to explore!

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