Oldest Trail in the Park – Pass Creek Track
“On a Mish” #229 Oldest Trail in the Park. Pass Creek Track. Fiordland National Park. 4.5.2014. Going overseas to places like Japan and Nepal has
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #229 Oldest Trail in the Park. Pass Creek Track. Fiordland National Park. 4.5.2014. Going overseas to places like Japan and Nepal has
“On a Mish” #66 Frozen Feet (Part Three). Cameron Range(1936m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 2.5.2014. The first time I really felt what frozen feet could feel
“On a Mish” #66 Frozen Feet (Part Two). Cameron Range(1936m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 2.5.2014. A description of a winter camping trip can easily turn someone
“On a Mish” #281 Frozen Feet (Part One). Cameron Valley. Hakatere Conservation Area. 1.5.2014. Not many would go through hell and then return for more.
“On a Mish’ #409 Potential Danger (Part Two). Gertrude Saddle. Fiordland National Park. 18.4.2014. I once went up Gertrude Saddle with some of the bros
“On a Mish’ #409 Potential Danger (Part One). Gertrude Saddle. Fiordland National Park. 18.4.2014. The Gertrude Saddle was the site of New Zealand first ‘mountain
“A Mish a Day” #216 Saddle Hill(841m). Te Ara Pataka/Banks Peninsula. 5.4.2014. The undulating remains of the once 1500 meter-plus volcano that stood east of
“On a Mish” #47 Day Off, Still on the Ridge. The Hump Ridge. Fiordland National Park. 23.3.2014. We are very spoiled for choice in Aotearoa
“On a Mish” #6 Tough Trails of the Past (Part Four). Mt Larkins(2300m). Whakaari Conservation Area. Richardson Mountains. 23.3.2014. There have been tough times when
“On a Mish” #6 Tough Trails of the Past (Part Two). Mt Larkins(2300m). Whakaari Conservation Area. Richardson Mountains. 21.3.2014. Being high up in the mountains
“On a Mish” #33 Skirt Around the Bush (Part Three). Arthurs Creek(Point 2065m). Richardson Mountains. 11.3.2014. If something is hard, why do it? This is
“On a Mish” #393 Making the Most of a Disaster (Part One). Hollyford Valley. Fiordland National Park. 26.2.2024. Fiordland is not only a place of
“On a Mish” #69 Not Far from Thar (Part Two). A-Frame Hut. Hakatere Conservation Park. 20.5.2015. The owner of the ski shop I worked at
“On a Mish” #28 A Dog and Bob (Part One). Bobs Camp Bivouac(920m). Mt Thomas Forest Conservation Area. 31.7.2017. As long as you can put
“On a Mish” #296 Deep in Sandfly Country (Part Three). Tutoko Valley. Fiordland National Park. 19.4.2015. Aotearoa sat un occupied by humans for a very
“On a Mish” #44 Lost in Her Majesty’s Mist(Part Two) – The Queens Drive. Remarkables Conservation Area. 15.2.2013. From a young age I became fascinated
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