Crampons Crunching (Part One) – Mt Cassidy(1850m)
“On a Mish” #4 Crampons Crunching (Part One). Mt Cassidy(1850m). Ka Tiritiri O Te Moana / Main Divide. Arthurs Pass National Park. 30.9.2014. If you
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #4 Crampons Crunching (Part One). Mt Cassidy(1850m). Ka Tiritiri O Te Moana / Main Divide. Arthurs Pass National Park. 30.9.2014. If you
“On a Mish” #123 Up, Down, Done – Part Two. Potts Range Peak(1948m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 23.9.2014. To many the thought of clambering up a
“On a Mish” #123 Up, Down, Done – Part One. Potts Range Peak(1948m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 23.9.2014. It was love at first sight when my
“On a Mish” #77 A Wild Winter Wander (Part Two). Mt Guy(1319m). Hakatere Conservation Park. 16.9.2014. The blast of a blizzard on your face is
“On a Mish” #77 A Wild Winter Wander (Part One). Mt Guy(1319m). Hakatere Conservation Park. 16.9.2014. Nothing makes you feel alive like facing a southerly
“On a Mish” #174 Arthurs Village from Above (Part Two). Mt Aicken(1863m). Arthurs Pass National Park. 4.9.2014. From 1907 to 1923 Arthurs Pass Village was
“On a Mish” #174 Arthurs Village from Above (Part One). Mt Aicken(1863m). Arthurs Pass National Park. 4.9.2014. Tucked away amongst some of New Zealand’s finest
“On a Mish” #138 Roaming A Ridge (Part Two). Rome Ridge. Arthurs Pass National Park. 2.9.2014. Many people are afraid of heights. Being close to
“On a Mish” #138 Roaming A Ridge (Part One). Rome Ridge. Arthurs Pass National Park. 2.9.2014. No two mountains are the same, and that also
“On a Mish” #165 Otira Slip & Slide (Part Two). Otira Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 27.8.2014. Knowing you are hiking into a place that
“On a Mish” #323 Welcome Back Rain. Glade Wharf. Fiordland National Park. 21.4.2022. For many visitors to the south this summer the weather has been
“On a Mish” #312 Sore and Satisfied (Part One). Peak 1543m. Glade Burn. Fiordland National Park. 7.12.2021. After a major injury you have two options.
“On a Mish” #364 Solving the Mystery(Part One). Mystery Lake. Hakatere Conservation Park. 14.5.2014. I wasn’t lost, I just didn’t know where I was?! This
“On a Mish” #280 Still a Bit Buggered (Part One). East Eglinton / MacKay Creek. Fiordland National Park. 2.6.2021. Not being able to do what
“On a Mish” #215 The Mailman’s Way (Part One). Homer Saddle(1375m). Fiordland National Park. 2.2.2011. Seeing the sheer steepness of the mountains located in northwest
“On a Mish” #94 In the Footsteps of William Grave (Part One). De Lambert Falls(59m). Fiordland National Park. 4.3.2014. With no knowledge of the history
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