Going Guided (Part Three). Whakatipu Ka Tuka / The Hollyford Track
“On a Mish” #186 Going Guided (Part Three). Whakatipu Ka Tuka / The Hollyford Track. Fiordland National Park. 25.1.2016. Every now and then while guiding
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #186 Going Guided (Part Three). Whakatipu Ka Tuka / The Hollyford Track. Fiordland National Park. 25.1.2016. Every now and then while guiding
“On a Mish” #186 Going Guided (Part Two). Whakatipu Ka Tuka / The Hollyford Track. Fiordland National Park. 25.1.2016. By 2016 I had spent nearly
“On a Mish” #201 The Best Way to Start to a New Year (Part Two). Borland Saddle / Mt Burns Tarns. Fiordland National Park. 1.1.2016.
“On a Mish” #403 Awesome Undulation (Part One). Mt Sebastopol(1468m). Aoraki Mt Cook National Park. 27.9.2015. Undulation can be a cruel beast sometimes when on
“On a Mish” #57 A Close Call (Part Two). Mt Philistine Bluffs. Upper Otira Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 29.5.2015. A life without risk is
“On a Mish” #57 A Close Call (Part One). Mt Philistine Bluffs. Upper Otira Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 28.5.2015. A fact that most try
“On a Mish” #307 James Craig’s Dream (Part Two). Port Craig Lodge / Village. Fiordland National Park. 23.4.2015. James Craig was the driving force behind
“On a Mish” #125 Where the Water Comes From (Part Two). Water Tank Ridge. Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park. 25.1.2015. After a Heli-Hike trip was cancelled
“On a Mish” #125 Where the Water Comes From (Part One). Water Tank Ridge. Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park. 25.1.2015. Towering above the western side of
“On a Mish” #417 The Sea of White. Climbers Corner. Haupapa Tasman Glacier. 22.12.2014. It is incredible that what you see from Aoraki Mt Cook
“On a Mish” #385 It’s Time to Go Back! Active Hearts Foundation Adventure. New Zealand to Nepal October 2023. 31.10.2023. In 2010-2011 Christchurch and the
“On a Mish” #307 Same Old New. Glade Wharf. Lake Te Anau. Fiordland National Park. 17.11.2021. To look out the window of your workplace at
“On a Mish” #231 U-Pass & Beyond (Part 2). U-Pass Basin & Beyond. Fiordland National Park. 27.4.2017. I always seem to sleep better when immersed
“On a Mish” #162 Banter & Black Panthers. Clyde / Lawrence Valley. Hakatere Conservation Area. 28.6.2020. When it comes to travelling through the mountains I’ll
“On a Mish” #58 Crackers & Cheeseman (Part One). Mt Cheeseman(2031m). Craigieburn Forest Park. 31.8.2016. For years I have visited the sunny slopes of Mt
“On a Mish” #381 A Taste of Alpine Life (Part Four). Potts Range / Erewhon Park (Almost). Hakatere Conservation Park. 1.8.2023. Over the last decade
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