“On a Mish” #367 Ssssssh, It’s a Secret (Part Two). Deep in Jimny Country. Mysterious location in Canterbury. 19.2.2023. During my recovery my thirst for adventure didn’t go unquenched, thanks to my cousin Adam. Together we have seen some pretty epic scenery, and on some missions we have had company. The Jimny Club has been on many mountain mishes and some have been into private places that the owners have wanted to keep secret…
The jumble of Jimnys (plus a few foreigners) pulled up to the first gate at farm ‘A’. The weather was excellent for a day out in the hills and the team was keen to leave the dusty road behind them.
Cruising past cows and bulls, we drove deeper into the farm and the further we went the more scenic the location became.
Adam’s beastly Jimny was leader of the pack and as passenger I was on gate duty. A couple of months ago I was in no shape to jump in and out of the truck, but thanks to physio and a lot of rehab work I am feeling stronger with each passing day.
The stock seemed unbothered by the team and they continued to munch grass as the 96 tyres rolled on by.
We took a wrong turn but in paradise this was no issue as it took us to an incredible view and a chance to regroup the 24 vehicles. On a rocky riverbed in the middle of nowhere we looked like we were in a Suzuki commercial with a huge budget!
After our little detour we climbed to the point where we left Farm A and entered Farm B.

We went from a vast open riverbed to a river valley lined with paddocks that pushed up to the base of each mountain. Farm B seemed less wild than farm A but the scenery was just as awesome.
I spotted a small farm hut on the map and, as we were allowed to be on the property, we didn’t see any issue in visiting the little hut for a lunch stop. From the hut we had a commanding view across the large valley and thanks to the hut’s location we were out of the wind.
After the hut lunch stop we pushed on towards civilization, and as we continued east the track improved and there were more and more signs of mankind.
After a team picture beside a ‘large lake’ we hit tarmac and then the closest little town to Farm B. The little dairy in the village was suddenly bombarded by jimny owners looking for an ice cream for the drive home.
Goodbyes were said and the team dispersed back into the real world. I’m positive that, just like me, the rest of the crew were very happy with their secret day out and it was all thanks to our team leader / Jimny club founder / wilderness addict Adam! Cheers cuzzy and don’t worry I will keep the location of Farm A and Farm B a secret…