“On a Mish” #349 (GUEST POST) Sounds Like Fun! Queen Charlotte Track – Part Three. Marlborough Sounds. 27.4.2021. Day 4 – Portage Hotel to Anakiwa. From Portage Hotel the ascent to the ridgeline was another real grunt, as my compromised lungs constantly reminded me. Particularly galling given that all the others we were walking with, including a lovely family with a very young daughter, seemed to have no trouble at all…
But once on the descent I was able to enjoy the views back across the water to Picton and the stunning turquoise waters of the Kenepuru Sound. There was a bit of everything on this day, including open farmland and a lovely native bush section. But of course the highlight was my favourite part of any hike – the end. There is nothing more satisfying than the sense of achievement when you take that final step, especially when you are doing it with friends.

From our finishing point at Anakiwa, Marlborough Sounds, we were collected for our return boat trip– with the icing on the cake being the pod of friendly dolphins who joined us for part of the journey back to Picton. Time to return to civilisation and the much anticipated end of hike celebration dinner. Even though the food, and company, were great we all felt that this dinner wasn’t quite as memorable as on other trips, given that every night on this hike had been a feast.
A walk with all the amenities of modern life at the end of each day versus one where you are totally independent, have the opportunity to meet fellow travellers, and enjoy the feeling of being right away from civilisation?