“On a Mish” #428 Finishing as I Started, Plus One (Part Two). Rakaia River (Double Hill), Hakatere Conservation Park. 1.1.2025. So many of my missions have been by myself, which hasn’t dulled the adventure one bit. However, one thing that has enhanced my wilderness exploits has been the addition of a furry friend. At first it was awesome little bro Ernie who kept things interesting by doing what cheeky Jack Russel Terriers do (mostly running off on his own side mish!). And nowadays I have my gorgeous girl Georgie to have as a mission buddy. The loss of Ernie was a sad day and to celebrate his life I released his ashes on Dogs Hill on the first morning of 2024. In a way I relived the same experience as 2024 turned over to 2025, but this time I was finishing the year as I started, plus one…
I’m sure Georgie was looking out of the window at the rain hoping that we weren’t going to go out in it. She was probably just as puzzled as the farmers I passed en route to what I hoped would be an excellent campsite for the last evening of 2024. I’m sure they weren’t expecting to see anyone out their way on such a rainy day!
After driving the many kilometres on the gravel of Double Run Road I arrived at the track that you need to follow to get off the private land and onto the stones of the Rakaia Riverbed. I have camped here a few times, so I knew of a place to pitch my tent, however, fate had different ideas. I followed the track to where it exits the scrub, and to my surprise the river had swallowed the track and was now running up against this side of the valley. I didn’t fancy a swim, so I had to think of an alternative plan.
After pondering for a while I back tracked to a point where I could park up, and from here I was on foot. I got to a point where I could scramble down to the riverbed and from here, I could see that I could carry my stuff out to what looked like a cool place to say goodbye to 2024. I wasn’t going to come all this way and simply give up on my idea of camping!

Thanks to the river reshaping the area I had to negotiate a loose drop-off which crumbled as I clambered down it. After several trips I had all my gear at a semi-flat spot, and it was time to pitch my tent. This was my first time camping since Nepal, and my rustiness nearly caused my tent to go for a swim. I should have got the fly up and then weighed it down with some of my gear, but I stupidly put the shell on which acted as a sail and sent my tent flying. Luckily, I caught it before it went into the Rakaia River!
With camp now set up it was time to usher in the New Year in the best way possible. Just like I had done 365 days before, but this time I had Georgie by my side and the event was a much happier one. With the rain and wind returning with force it was time to retreat to the warmth of my sleeping bag and say goodbye to 2024.
Early-ish the next morning we were up listening to the pitter-patter of rain on the tent while I brewed my first coffee of 2025. Even though the weather wasn’t playing ball, I still wouldn’t have wanted to wake up anywhere else but in the wilderness. Between showers I rushed my gear back to the car and after several trips it was time to say goodbye to the recently rearranged Rakaia Riverbed.
Overall, I’d say the mish was a success, and as we drove back across the Canterbury Plains, I was thinking about what adventures Georgie and I would go on during 2025. Finishing the year as I started, plus one, was an excellent way to get the ball rolling and got me very excited about the 365 days to play we have coming our way!