Everyday is Different (Part Five) – The Humpridge Track

“On a Mish” #98 Everyday is Different – Part Five. The Humpridge Track. Fiordland National Park. 28.4.2011. Without the Humpridge Track the history at Port Craig may have just faded into the forest of the south west corner of Fiordland National Park. Scattered amongst the beech forest and dense bush is the remains of a once bustling and booming tree milling business. Abandoned back in the thirties the relics are now part of the Humpridge Track and hikers now get an opportunity to look back into the past before the final days walk back to reality…

As we began our hike it was amazing to think that we began the day before up in the alpine zone at Okaka Lodge and now we were walking the beaches of the south coast. Everyday really has been different to the previous and so much has been packed into the 61km three day mish. The last day was easily the sunniest day of the three, and some of the brave members of our hiking whanau took a dip in the refreshing waters of Te Waewae Bay.

After exiting the forest at the Track Burn, the loop is completed and the remaining part of the hike is on the same beach from the first day of the trip. This is a time to reflect and take in what you have seen over the last couple of days, and it is a lot to ponder on the remaining steps of the journey. And speaking of steps, we arrived at the base of the staircase home and this is the last thing most people want after a couple of huge hiking days. Our fitness reserves were nearly bled dry but somehow we managed the staircase, and then the short section of forest before spotting the car at the Rarakau car park. Once at the car the sense of accomplishment started to settle in, and after a journey like the Humpridge Track it is a very satisfing feeling. The drive home was a good time to regain feeling in our feet and chat about the adventure they had taken us on and how everyday was different to the one before. Little did I know that only a couple of years later I would be making the same trip south, to the same town and the same track. But this time it would be as a new member of the Humpridge Track family

Te Waewae Bay

New Zealand. What a place to explore!

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