Back to Borland – Part Two
“On a Mish” #272 Back to Borland – Part Two. Fiordland National Park. 20.4.2021. Twenty metres of very easy walking had taken me from my
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #272 Back to Borland – Part Two. Fiordland National Park. 20.4.2021. Twenty metres of very easy walking had taken me from my
“On a Mish” #272 Back to Borland – Part One. Fiordland National Park. 19.4.2021. A lot of time had passed since my last adventure in
“On a Mish” #269 Back in the Game (Part Three). Lake Marian. Fiordland National Park. 14.4.2021. It is amazing where determination / stubbornness can get
“On a Mish” #269 Back in the Game (Part Two). Lake Marian Track. Fiordland National Park. 14.4.2021. Taking steps into the Darran Mountains alone is
“On a Mish” #269 Back in the Game (Part One). Eglington Valley & Hollyford Valley. Fiordland National Park. 14.4.2021. It had been a long time
“On a Mish” #261 Getting the Next Generation Hooked. Deep Cove, Fiordland National Park. 17.3.2021. To have a job in tourism is a real privilege
“On a Mish” #251 Back to Work… Fiordland National Park. 22.2.2021. A girl in shiny red shoes said it best “there’s no place like home”.
“On a Mish” #250 Back with the Bros. Te Anau / Manapouri. 20.2.2021. With social media the world is getting smaller, and time apart from
“On a Mish” #219 While the World Fell Apart (Part Five). Patea / Doubtful Sound. Aotearoa. 24.3.2020. 2020 was a strange year for everyone. No
“On a Mish” #219 While the World Fell Apart (Part Four). Patea / Doubtful Sound. Aotearoa. 23.3.2020. A huge benefit to working in remote locations
“On a Mish” #311 A Crazy Couple of Years. Aotearoa. 11.1.2022. To say the last couple of years have been interesting for human beings is
“A Mish a Day” #204 It’s Not Going to Snow, It’s December – Part One. Upper Wye Creek. Remarkables Conservation Area. 16.12.2016. From a young
“On a Mish” #254 Back to Our Routes. Paddy’s Point (Routeburn Track). Mt Aspiring National Park. 7.12.2019. I always like to say my favourite track
“On a Mish” #280 Still a Bit Buggered (Part Two). East Eglinton Valley / Mackay Creek. Fiordland National Park. 2.6.2021. Moving to Te Anau permanently
“On a Mish” #53 Crying Wolfe (Part Two). Turret Range Traverse. Fiordland National Park. 6.4.2019. As a kid, and sometimes now, I would look at
“On a Mish” #217 A Loop on the Pointy Little Lump. Huatekerekere / Little Mt Peel(1311m). Mt Peel Forest Scenic Reserve. 24.8.2015. The flatness of
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