“On a Mish” #430 A Night Out Under the Stars (Part Two). Boyd Creek Camp, Countess Range. Southland. 21.1.2025. A night in the wild can be the best medicine around. The peace and relaxation found when camping is truly unique and can be just what the doctor ordered. Tranquillity sooths the mind and a night under the stars for me at least is a perfect reset before returning to the real world to see what else it has waiting for you…
While camping at the Mavora Lakes Campsite is awesome and dog friendly, it is quite far away from my home in Te Anau. For a long time, I thought that was the only place Georgie and I could go to spend a night, that was until I discovered / rediscovered the Boyd Creek Area. With the place only thirty minutes from my doorstep, it is now a location that I have been many times since working out both Georgie and I could visit.
After collecting my gear for a night out I headed along the Milford Road to the Boyd Creek Track. The day was very hot, and I knew I’d get a sweat up carrying my two loads up to where I wanted to camp. Lugging two packs up and down a track can be a little bit frustrating, but it is the only way I can get out and about, so I’ll take it for now.
With Georgie towing me along I trekked up the Boyd Creek Track to where it splits into two. One goes in a loop back to the car park, and the other up to the Boyd Creek Tops. I took the latter and made my way to a large clearing around half an hours wander from the road. The clearing meant I could get away from the track to a spot where I could pitch my tent. Latter I would find out that this is where the fellas who cut the tracks in the area lived while working.

With pack one done I returned to the car for pack number two. Luckily this one was much lighter so there was less strain on my broken bits. But with that said I was rather sore and tired by the time I got back up to the spot. After a quick break I was recharged enough to set up my tent and then prepare food for both me and Georgie Dog. With all of my ‘jobs’ done all that was left to do was chill and wait for day to turn into night.
As the warm afternoon rolled on, I became increasingly more tired, so unfortunately, I had to call it a day before I could see the stars appear. Oh well at least I will be spending the night under them even if I don’t get a chance to see them. Whether I be awake of asleep, a night under the stars is all I was after!
At one stage during the night, I woke up to find Georgie very alert to something going on outside. At first, I thought it was just another possum, but after hearing the thuds of each step and cracking of branches in the forest I knew it must have been a deer (or bigfoot!). It is very reassuring knowing that in Aotearoa New Zealand there are now large predators, so there is nothing in the wilderness that is out to get you!
Early-ish the next morning I was awake to see the last of the darkness, and yes, I did get a chance to see the stars that I spent the night under. With daylight beginning to light my epic location I packed up my tent and began to ferry my gear back down to my car. It didn’t take too long before everything was loaded up, and in less than 24 hours I had completed my mish and was back at home in Te Anau.
My night under the stars was a huge success, and both Georgie and I had a blast while away from home. The Boyd Creek area is everything I look for when researching a place to camp, and it is only a short drive from where I live. After a very good night out I know I’ll be back, and next time I’m hoping my body is up to a mish up to the top end of the track and I will get a chance to see the stunning sights at the high point of the Boyd Creek Tops Track…