Urban Exploring – Camp Cameron Villas
“On a Mish” #244 Camp Cameron Villas. Allenton, Ashburton. 14.1.2021. The route ahead was unclear as it disappeared behind the south east ridge. Pushing on
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #244 Camp Cameron Villas. Allenton, Ashburton. 14.1.2021. The route ahead was unclear as it disappeared behind the south east ridge. Pushing on
“On a Mish” #246 The Dogs Tail Camp (Part 1). Dogs Range. Hakatere Conservation Park. 30.1.2021. I’ll take a night in a tent over any
“On a Mish” #325 Time to Head North. Te Anau to Christchurch. Te Waipounamu. 30.4.2022. Everyday it seems a little more certainty is taken away
“On a Mish” #57 A Close Call (Part Two). Mt Philistine Bluffs. Upper Otira Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 29.5.2015. A life without risk is
“On a Mish” #238 Fresh Start (Part Three). Holts/Rolleston Camp. Arthurs Pass National Park. 1.1.2021. Along with the outstanding scenery, I seek a world without
“A Mish a Day” #154 Adventures in Nepal – Part 2. Salme to Megang Danda. 7.11.2018. Hats off to the first resident of Salme, for
“A Mish a Day” #214 Mt Bradley(855m). Te Ara Pataka/Banks Peninsula. 27.5.2014. A hike to the top of any of the hills that make up
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