Deep in Sandfly Country (Part Three) – Tutoko Valley
“On a Mish” #296 Deep in Sandfly Country (Part Three). Tutoko Valley. Fiordland National Park. 19.4.2015. Aotearoa sat un occupied by humans for a very
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #296 Deep in Sandfly Country (Part Three). Tutoko Valley. Fiordland National Park. 19.4.2015. Aotearoa sat un occupied by humans for a very
“On a Mish” #345 Stress Free in the ‘Place to Be’ – Part One. Waimakariri Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 22.8.2022. Stress can prevent the
“On a Mish” #49 Back for More Mish – Part Two. Double Hut & Peak 1115m. Hakatere Conservation Park. 16.7.2013. For all the negative press
“On a Mish” #258 Overly Ambitious (Part One). Hanging Valley Camp. Deep Cove. Fiordland. 17.12.2017. When I worked for Real Journeys I did my best
“On a Mish” #40 Freedom Found (Part Two). Top Hut / Wild Mans Hill(1856m). Hakatere Conservation Area. 19.5.2016. It is difficult to explain to someone
“On a Mish” #315 Blue Ducks and Banter – Part Three. Monkey Creek. Fiordland National Park. 29.12.2021. I have never gone out of my way
“A Mish a Day #213 Mt Richardson(1047m). Mt Thomas Conservation Area. 4.12.2013. To have your four-legged friend join you on an adventure will definitely it!
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