Back to Fiordland – Back to Work
“On a Mish” #251 Back to Work… Fiordland National Park. 22.2.2021. A girl in shiny red shoes said it best “there’s no place like home”.
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into NzHikes.co.nz! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #251 Back to Work… Fiordland National Park. 22.2.2021. A girl in shiny red shoes said it best “there’s no place like home”.
“ A Mish a Day” #163 Waimakariri Recovery Camp. Arthurs Pass National Park. 10.8.2020. I don’t think anyone will argue with me when I say
“On a Mish” #243 A Wet Night at Homer Hut (Part One). Upper Hollyford Valley / Gertrude Valley. Fiordland National Park. 19.12.2015. When the heavens
“On a Mish” #346 The Windy-Force Valley (Part Three). Wilberforce Valley / River. West Canterbury. 31.8.2022. If I had to choose one aspect of the
“On a Mish” #345 Stress Free in the ‘Place To Be’ – Part Two. Poulter Valley. Arthurs Pass National Park. 22.8.2022. Even the word stress
“A Mish a Day” #175 Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway. Kaikoura. 28.8.2020. There aren’t many benefits to being injured, but one of the small benefits is I
“A Mish a Day” #48 Avalanche Peak(1833m). Arthurs Pass National Park. 10.5.2011. Avalanche Peak is a classic trampers’ mountain – easy access from Arthurs Pass
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