Conflicting Reports (Part Three). Hakatere Conservation Park
“On a Mish” #374 Conflicting Reports (Part Three). Mt Hutt Range. Hakatere Conservation Park. 28.4.2023. I was once camping in the magnificent Rees Valley in
An accident at the start of 2020 turned out to be a good thing… Thanks to a fridge door I was sidelined for all of 2020 and what seemed like a death sentence turned into! If I have been forced to sit around, then I’m not going to sit around and do nothing!! One story became 20… 50… and now over 300 tales from the mountains of New Zealand and around the world….
“On a Mish” #374 Conflicting Reports (Part Three). Mt Hutt Range. Hakatere Conservation Park. 28.4.2023. I was once camping in the magnificent Rees Valley in
“On a Mish” #374 Conflicting Reports (Part Two). Mt Hutt Range. Hakatere Conservation Park. 29.4.2023. A couple of times when exploring with my cousin in
“On a Mish” #103 Winter & Mount Somers – Part One. Mt Somers Camp. Hakatere Conservation Park.10.7.2017. When flying into Christchurch from the west it
“On a Mish” #217 A Loop on the Pointy Little Lump. Huatekerekere / Little Mt Peel(1311m). Mt Peel Forest Scenic Reserve. 24.8.2015. The flatness of
“A Mish a Day” #184 Mt Somers(1688m) – Part One. Hakatere Conservation Area. 16.6.2011. Christchurch was still on the move every couple of hours during
“On a Mish” #22 Returning the Favour. Mt Oxford(1364m). Oxford Forest Conservation Area. 12.6.2010. Getting young people into the outdoors is very important. It is
“On a Mish” #125 Where the Water Comes From (Part Two). Water Tank Ridge. Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park. 25.1.2015. After a Heli-Hike trip was cancelled
“A Mish a Day” #157 Duncans Stream / Molesworth Station – Part Two. St James Conservation Area. 23.8.2020. The ease of access to epic environments
“On a Mish” #102 Clothing Test. Maukatere Mt Grey(933m). Mt Grey / Maukatere Conservation Area. 23.7.2011. To feel a storm blast on your face is
“On a Mish” #36 Into the Mist (Part Two). Eldrig Peak(1595m). Hunter Mountains. Fiordland National Park. 22.11.2013. For a long time I have passionately believed
“On a Mish” #9 It’s Bigger Than (Part Three). Cecil Peak(1978m). Cecil Peak Station. Eyre Mountains. 15.3.2014. Some mountains play tricks on people by hiding
“On a Mish” #418 The Training Ground. Omawete Coopers Knob. Port Hills. Canterbury. 15.6.2010. Working on the Routeburn Track gave me an excellent way to
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